Event ID: 1108 SQL Server Reporting Services cannot load the SQLPDW extension

Thu, Feb 27, 2014 One-minute read

This event log error will occur in Sharepoint 2010 or SharePoint 2013 environments with SQL Server 2012 and SSRS in integrated mode. You will see either

“SQL Server Reporting Services Shared Service cannot load the SQLPDW extension. (Application: [service app name]. CorrelationId: etc.)”


“SQL Server Reporting Services Shared Service cannot load the TERADATA extension. (Application: [service app name]. CorrelationId: etc.)”

This link explains some of the reasoning behind it.

This error occurs because the Teradata extension is registered in the Reporting Services configuration file by default, but the Teradata assemblies are not shipped with SQL Server 2008 or as part of the .NET Framework. If the error message does not bother you, you can ignore the error when it is logged.

But if you’re not using TERADATA or SQLPDW then you’ll most likely want to disable the errors. You can do that, using this Powershell:

$ssrs = Get-SPRSServiceApplication

write-host "Removing Teradata : Data"
Remove-SPRSExtension -Name "TERADATA" -ExtensionType "Data" -Identity $ssrs.Id

write-host "Removing Teradata : ModelGeneration"
Remove-SPRSExtension -Name "TERADATA" -ExtensionType "ModelGeneration" -Identity $ssrs.Id

write-host "Removing Teradata : SemanticQuery"
Remove-SPRSExtension -Name "TERADATA" -ExtensionType "SemanticQuery" -Identity $ssrs.Id

write-host "Removing SQLPDW : Data"
Remove-SPRSExtension -Name "SQLPDW" -ExtensionType "Data" -Identity $ssrs.Id

write-host "Removing SQLPDW: SemanticQuery"
Remove-SPRSExtension -Name "SQLPDW" -ExtensionType "SemanticQuery" -Identity $ssrs.Id
